A linear index structure of the concept lattice is introduced in the lattice union algorithm, which is to update each father node according to the general-special relation between the concepts by finding out the synonymous concepts of the common universe concept lattices. 提出同义概念的观点,在格的合并算法中引入了概念格的线性索引结构,通过寻找同域概念格之间的同义概念,根据父概念-子概念的关系实现对其所有父节点的快速更新。
It suggests to build a distribution tree, where a father node transmits data to his children nodes, to acquire an one-to-many distributed multimedia transmission. 该方案通过构造分配树,使用其分支结点转发数据的方法,以实现一对多的分布式多媒体传输。
It also rebuilds the relationship between father and son according to energy state and stability of communication between candidate parent node and none-routing terminal node. 根据候选父节点和非路由终端子节点之间的通信稳定度以及能量状态重新建立父子关系,保证数据的正常发送以及簇结构的相对稳定。
Define the weight of heuristic information of A~ algorithms in evaluation functions and add a father pointer to each node to improve it. 通过定义了A~算法中启发信息在估价函数中的比重和给每一个结点增加一个父指针对其进行了改进,在此基础上,给出了在兵棋路径规划中应用的具体方法。
When the element level mapping may a fast vist element father node, the group level may reduce the research space effectively. 当元素级映射可以快速的访问一个元素的父节点时,组级可以有效地减少搜索空间。